I am towards the end of my Phd (with some difficultues to overcome, I can say I am really satisfied about it) and I was wondering about what to do next. There are basically two paths: academia or industry. Now, I am not 100% sure which one to take but this is a different story, and maybe a different post (in AcademiaStackExchange I guess).
I just wondered: what is that keeps one motivated after 10, 20, 30+ years in math research? With up and downs I liked my Phd, but I just realized that if one asks me why I do math, I cannot say much more than: it's fun, i like it and it always amazes me how well it can describe reality. But the main reason is that it's very satisfying to think about a problem, try to solve it and finally succeed. And maybe this excitement fades over time.
Being almost over with my Phd I can say that I'm quite beat up. I mean, it had its fun parts, but I went through much more struggle. The idea to start over again with a post doc and then face the same hardships again and again is a bit scary to be honest, and the reason why I "do what i do" seems a bit shallow.
As many of you are professional mathematicians, what does keep you "in the ring", fighting? And does the fight become somehow easier? Because right now, maybe because of the fatigue in part, I cannot picture myself keep this fight for, like, a whole life.