A normal singularity $(X,x)$ over a field $k$ is terminal (resp. canonical) if
it it is $\mathbb{Q}$-Gorenstein. and
$(ii)$For any resolution of singularity $F:Y\rightarrow X$,
$K_Y-f^*K_X>0$(resp. $\geqq 0$)
My question is as follows.
Let $\pi:Bl_x(X)\rightarrow X$ be a blow up of $X$ at $x$.
1.Then is $Bl_x(X)$ terminal (canonical)?
2. In the case 1 does not hold, is there exist a normal variety $Y$ which has at most terminal ( canonical) singularity and birational morphism $\pi :Y\rightarrow X$ s.t the pullback of the ideal $m_{X,x}O_Y$ is invertiblle .
2 always hold if characteristic of k is zero because there is always resolution of singularity.