
How can a series of real numbers be split into subsets in a way that the sum of the real numbers within each subset is as equal as possible?

Coming across from StackOverflow this is the first time, I'm posting a question in this forum. Basically I'm chemist (PhD) and IT manager, so somewhat familiar using mathematics, but not in depth. So I apologize for any lack of precision in my question. So, what is it about?

I have a series of n real numbers: $$r_1, r_2, r_3, ... r_n$$ This series should be split into m segments. So I need m-1 segment limits: $$k_1, k_2, k_3, ..., k_{m-1}$$ These build the segments of the series of real numbers: $$[r_1, ..., r_{k_1}], [r_{k_1+1}, ..., r_{k_2}], ..., [r_{k_{m-2}+1}, ..., r_{k_{m-1}}], [r_{k_{m-1}+1}, ..., r_n]$$ To ensure consistency the following conditions have to be met: $$0 < k_i < k_{i+1} < n \quad \text{for} \; i=1, ..., m-2$$ Each segment has a sum of r-values: $$S_j = \sum_{i=k_{j-1}+1}^{k_j} r_i\quad \text{for} \; j=1, ..., m \,\text{ and }k_0 = 0, \,k_m = n$$ So the basic optimization target is to minimize $$target = \sum_{j=1}^mS_j^2 - \frac1m\cdot(\sum_{j=1}^mS_j)^2$$ for all possible segmentations.

Currently I do this more or less brute-force, i.e. scanning all possible segmentations, calculation of the target and choosing the minimum at the end. This works, but is not satisfying from a performance point of view. As I plan to build this into a website with JavaScript longer runtimes have to be avoided.

So is there another approach for solving this optimization problem?

Thanks in advance for any idea or advice.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The most obvious approach would be the dynamic programming: you record the least sum of squares for the partitions of the first $k$ numbers into $j$ parts with the recursion $N(k,j)=\min_{0\le p\le k}[N(p,j-1)+(r_{p+1}+\dots+r_k)^2]$ and the seed $N(k,1)=(r_1+\dots+r_k)^2$. That would give you the time about $n^2m$, which is not terribly bad but may still be too slow for large $n,m$ in javascript, so I'm posting it as a comment just to set the "triviality level" $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Jun 23 at 0:43
  • $\begingroup$ You might find something useful if you search the web for $n$-ary search. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 23 at 0:48
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @fedja typical number ranges are n<200, m<20 $\endgroup$
    – RanneR
    Commented Jun 23 at 14:55
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @fedja photo application behind: arrange n images with different aspect ratios $r_i$ in m stripes. All images within each stripe has same height, but the height of the stripes differ so that all stripes have same width. $\endgroup$
    – RanneR
    Commented Jun 23 at 15:00
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ In response to your question about n-ary search requiring sorted arrays, I think the concept here is to preprocess your array into an array of prefix sums and then search for the appropriate fractions of the total sum. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 24 at 10:31

2 Answers 2


It turns out that the algorithm I was trying works for the minimization of the sum $\sum_{j=1}^m F(r_{k_{j-1}+1}+\dots+r_{k_j})$ (we put $k_0=0$) for an arbitrary strictly convex function $F$, so I'll describe it and you'll be able to choose your $F$ later. I personally like $F(t)=1/t$ (minimizing the total height), but for reasonable $r_i$, your $F(t)=t^2$ works pretty well too and the corresponding partitions are fairly close.

The idea is the same dynamic programming. We will compute the best partition of all initial segments $[1,k]$ ($k=0,\dots,n$ into $j=1,\dots,m$ pieces to minimize the sum of the corresponding $F$'s. Let $N(k,j)$ be the corresponding minimum. Put $x_i=r_1+\dots+r_i$ ($i=0,\dots,n$).

We trivially have $N(k,1)=F(r_1+\dots+r_k)$. Now, for $j\ge 2$, we have the recursion $$ N(k,j)=\min_{0\le i\le k}[N(i,j-1)+F(x[k]-x[i])]\,. $$ However, if we run it just like that, it will have the running time $n^2m$, which is a bit too much, though even that is sort of tolerable in your range. To accelerate, let us notice the following thing.

If for some fixed $j$ and $k$, the minimum in the recursion is achieved at $i=I$, then for the same $j$ and $k'>k$, the minimum is achieved at $i\ge I$.

Indeed, for $i<I$, we have $$ N(I,j-1)-N(i,j-1)\le F(x_k-x_i)-F(x_k-x_I)\le F(x_{k'}-x_i)-F(x_{k'}-x_I) $$ (here the first inequality is just a restatement of the condition that the minimum for $k,j$ is achieved at $i=I$, and the second inequality follows from the convexity of $F$).

Thus, we can run the recursion not in the natural order $k=1,2,3,\dots$, but in the order of the highest power of $2$ in $k$. So, once we know the best $i$ for the adjacent multiples of $2^q$, we can search for the best $i$ for the multiple of $2^{q-1}$ in the middle only between these two values. That ensures that we check at most $2n$ values to find $N(k,j)$ for all odd multiples of the same power of $2$ regardless of what that power of $2$ is, thus giving the running time $n\log n$ for each $j$.

The rest is absolutely standard for the dynamic programming approach, so I'll just post the code. I programmed in Asymptote (which allowed me to see the resulting geometric layout easily). If translation to JavaScript presents any difficulties for you, just let me know and I'll do it myself. If the time is still unsatisfactory, let me know and I'll think more.

int n=300, m=30;

real[] r,x;
for(int k=1;k<=n;++k) r[k]=0.3+2*unitrand();
for(int k=rand()%7+1;k<n;k+=rand()%7+1) r[k]=10*unitrand();

x[0]=0; for(int k=1;k<=n;++k) x[k]=x[k-1]+r[k];

real F(real t)
//return t^2;
return 1/(t+0.0001*x[n]/n);

real[] S,T;
int[][] v;
real t=0;
for(int k=0;k<=n;++k) {t+=r[k]; S[k]=F(t);}
int count=0;

for(int j=2; j<=m;++j)
int[] q; q[0]=0; 
int K=floor(log(n)/log(2)+1); 
for(int qq=2^K; qq>0; qq=quotient(qq,2))
for(int k=qq;k<=n;k+=2*qq)
int imin=q[k-qq];
int imax=k; if(k+qq<=n) imax=min(k,q[k+qq]);
real M=-1;
for(int i=imin;i<=imax ;++i) 
real MM=S[i]+F(x[k]-x[i]);
if(MM<M || M<0) {M=MM; q[k]=i;}
int[] kk; kk[m]=n; kk[0]=0; for(int j=m; j>=2; --j) kk[j-1]=v[j][kk[j]];
write(count, S[n]); pause();

real H=0;
for(int mm=1;mm<=m;++mm)
real h=1/(x[kk[mm]]-x[kk[mm-1]]); H-=h;
for(int j=kk[mm-1]; j<kk[mm]; ++j) 
  • $\begingroup$ Hi @fedja, thank you very much for your comments and your answer. I have to read thoroughly, try to understand and compare results. So I'll need some time for that and then come back, $\endgroup$
    – RanneR
    Commented Jun 24 at 7:19
  • $\begingroup$ @RanneR Sure. Feel free to ask as many questions as needed if something is unclear :-) $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Jun 24 at 10:32
  • $\begingroup$ Hi @fedja, progress looks good. First I tried to run your program using asymptote.ualberta.ca unfortunately always timeout, also with small n and m. So I converted your program to JavaScript, looks currently more like Fortran, but seams to work. And the first results are very good. I have test data with n=60 and m=7 and can compare: Test 1: brute force Segments: [8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 8], Mean: 11.096, Squarediff: 1.083, Stddev: 3.8 %, runtime 30.13 s Test 2: dyn prog (fedja) Segments: [8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 8], Mean: 11.096, Squarediff: 1.083, Stddev: 3.8 %, runtime 222.1 ms $\endgroup$
    – RanneR
    Commented Jun 24 at 21:59
  • $\begingroup$ I'll follow up with more tests, but for now THIS IS THE SOLUTION. Thank you. $\endgroup$
    – RanneR
    Commented Jun 24 at 22:02
  • $\begingroup$ @RanneR Ah, if you want to run my code on that website, you have to remove the pause(); command. Then it works nice. Otherwise, it just waits at that point until the timeout. On the other hand, if you run it on your PC with Asymptote installed, that is the only way to see the output before the window closes. Sorry for not attracting your attention to that fact :-) $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Jun 24 at 23:03

Excellent Algorithm

Hi @fedja, after streamlining the JavaScript program a little bit and some performance testing I'm really happy with the solution provided by you. Whereas the performance of the brute force recursion is catastrophic, the runtimes of your algorithm are nearly independent of n and m. The algorithm is outstanding!

Here are the results of tests with n = 20 ... 200 and m = 3 ... 10

enter image description here

If I'll use, share or distribute my application, I would like to add an acknowledgement for the algorithm in the docs. How should I show a reference to you?

At the end there are still 2 minor questions concerning the algorithm:

  1. What is the reason for the line for(int k=rand()%7+1;k<n;k+=rand()%7+1) r[k]=10*unitrand();

  2. Why do you use 1/(t+0.0001*x[n]/n) instead of 1/t for the F-function? as t>0 there is no need for avoiding division by zero

This brings me to one point I omitted in the definition of the problem: I did not state that $r_i$ > 0 perhaps it's a good idea to edit this, what do you think?

Conclusion: Everything works fine THANK YOU

This was the first time I posted a problem here and I'm really happy on the outcome

  • $\begingroup$ 1) I just wanted to see what happens if you add a few monstrously wide pictures at random places. They would be harder to place in general. 2) I allow empty groups in my code, so my $t$ can formally be $0$. In the end, such configurations never give the true minimum, but thinking of what is a legitimate pair of indices in the array of arrays and adjusting the bottom and top limits in loops is too much for me: I am always off by 1 somewhere in such cases and it creates hidden bugs too easily. Continued $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Jun 25 at 20:43
  • $\begingroup$ Apparently 200 ms is the compilation time, not the execution time. That would explain everything. The execution time is proportional to $mn\log n$. Try the website I created and you'll see the correct running times. Also compare your javascript code with mine :-) $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Jun 25 at 20:46
  • $\begingroup$ As to the reference, just quote MO. That is enough. This place is mostly friendly, but don't get discouraged by occasional downvotes and votes to close if they happen to you when you visit MO again. They do happen too now and then. $\endgroup$
    – fedja
    Commented Jun 25 at 20:49
  • $\begingroup$ @fedja: application now is published github.com/RannerDesign/poster $\endgroup$
    – RanneR
    Commented Jul 1 at 12:55

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