I am interested in studying the Fourier transform for perverse sheaves on "nice" spaces, say affine complex space stratified by the action of an algebraic group into finitely many orbits.
In particular, there is a beautiful construction of the Fourier transform for $D$-modules, where, in the affine case, if $A_n = \mathbb{C}[x_1, \dots, x_n] \langle \delta_1, \dots, \delta_n\rangle$ is the $n$-th Weyl alebra, then the Fourier transform is given by pushforward along the automorphism $f:A_n \rightarrow A_n$ provided by $x_i \mapsto \delta_i$, $\delta_i \mapsto - x_i$ (or equivalent).
Is there any intrinsic way to construct the functor for Perverse Sheaves on the same space, so that it commutes with the Fourier transform for $D$-modules across the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence? (i.e., so that the Fourier transform commutes with the De-Rham functor).
Thank you!