I came across this interesting question from almost 7 years ago:
What are the current breakthroughs of Geometric Complexity Theory?
My question is quite simple: Have there been any breakthroughs in the previous 7 years?
I came across this interesting question from almost 7 years ago:
What are the current breakthroughs of Geometric Complexity Theory?
My question is quite simple: Have there been any breakthroughs in the previous 7 years?
As explained by Scott Aaronson, in his 2017 overview of Geometric Complexity Theory, the core problem it tries to solve is to prove Valiant's conjecture VP$\neq$VNP that the permanent requires exponential-size arithmetic circuits. This problem could be a stepping stone to the harder problem of a proof of P$\neq$NP. A recent (2023) summary of the – limited – progress of the field is given by Greta Panova (section 6):
The study of Kronecker and plethysm coefficients has led to the 2017 disproof of the wishful approach of Geometric Complexity Theory (GCT) towards the resolution of the algebraic P vs NP Millennium problem – the VP vs VNP problem. In order to make GCT work and establish computational complexity lower bounds, we need to understand representation theoretic multiplicities in further detail, possibly asymptotically.