$L=\{\langle M\rangle \mid M \text{ is a TM that accepts all even number}\}$ hello everyone I anderstennd why $L\in \text{coRE} $ b but I don't understand why $ L\notin \text{RE}$
I Have proved that $ L\in \text{RE}$ by $HP \le L$ by the the following reducing function:
$f(\langle M,x\rangle) = \langle M_x\rangle$
$M_x$ on the input $y$:
- Simulate $M$ on $x$.
- accepts
validation of the reduce function:
- if $\langle M,x\rangle\in HP$: $M$ halts on every input $x$, $M_x$ simulate $M$ on $x$, then $M_x$ accepts, meaning: $M_x$ accepts every input y and particular every even number, meaning $|L(M_x)|=\infty$ so $\langle M_x\rangle \in L$
- if $\langle M,x\rangle\notin HP$: $M$ doesn't halts on input $x$, $M_x$ simulate $M$ on $x$, then $M_x$ get to forever loop, meaning: $M_x$ doesn't accepts every input y and particular every even number, meaning $|L(M_x)|=0$, so $\langle M_x\rangle \notin L$
because I know $L \notin \text{RE} $ I assume the reduce function I wrote here is wrong, can anyone explain me why?
thank in advanced :)