I'm stucking on the proof of the Lemma 3.12 of A p-adic analogue of Borel’s theorem.
Here $\mathcal A_{g,\mathrm K}$ is just a shimura variety defined over $\mathbb Z_p$, and full level $\ell$ structure means the $\ell$-part of $\mathrm K$ is contained in a principal congruence subgroup of $G(\mathbb Z_\ell)$. Knowing these there will be no problem for reading the proof.
I have the following questions:
Since the abelian scheme is pulled back to $G_m$, what does he mean by its reduction at $0$? Does it mean by extending this abelian scheme to $0$? But then, how?
In the second sentence of the second paragraph, what does "toric monodromy" mean?