I'd like to know whether a manifold of constant curvature, which has large injectivity radius at many points, can have points of arbitrary small injectivity radius.
More precisely, for a point $x$ in a Riemann manifold $M$ let $\rho(x)$ denote the injectivity radius at $x$ and let $\rho(M)$ denote the infimum of all $\rho(x)$, $x\in M$.
My question is this: Let $R>0$ be given. Do there exist $c,\varepsilon >0$ such that for every hyperbolic surface $S$, such that $$ \frac{\mathrm{vol}\big(\{x\in S: \rho(x)\le R\}\big)}{\mathrm{vol}(S)}<\varepsilon $$ one has that $\rho(S)\ge c$?