Let $X$ be topological realization of a (finite) Delta set, $G$ a finite group and $p: P \to X$ a principal $G$-bundle. It's standard that the isom' classes of such principal $G$-bundles are classified by an (up to homotopy unique) classifying space $BG$, which posses also a model as a Delta set: see eg A. Hatcher's "Algebraic Topology" page 89 for concrete construction.
That means that there exist a functorially compatible bijection
$$C:[X, BG]_{\text{Htpy}} \to \text{PrinBun}_G(X)/ \sim, \ \ [f] \mapsto f^{*}U $$
given explicitly by pulling back the universal
bundle $U: EG \to BG$ along a homotopy a map $f: X \to BG$
representing it's homotopy class $[f]$.
This raises the natural question if that's possible to
write in explicit terms the map in the other direction, the
"classifying map", namely
for any $p: P \to X$ a principal $G$-bundle, can we
construct a map $f_p:X \to BG$ whose pullback $f_p^*U$
of universal bundle is isomorphic to $p$ explicitly?
At first glace one obstruction for finding such map is that $BG$ is only unique up to a homotopy class therefore there exist several models of $BG$ giving homotopically the same object.
Nevertheless there exist two "distinguished" ways to construct
a model of $BG$, one directly as topological space, the
"Milnor Construction" (can be found eg Husemoeller's
"Fiber Bundles", p 54), the other firstly on simplicial level, the
bar construction (eg in Hatcher's AT. p 89), then passing to realization.
So one might pose the question about explicit for explicit construction after having fixed a concrete model for $BG$.
Husemoeller's book (Thm. 12.2, p 57) - is working with Milnor's model of $EG$ and $BG$ -the explicit construction of the classfying map is based on countable partition of unity and works for numerable principal $G$-bundles over paracompact base spaces $X$.
So using analytic methods it's possible to write down this map explicitly up to finding the partition of unity.
My question is if it's also possible to write down the classifying map purely combinatorically or simplicially: Assume that our base space $X$ is
a Delta set, and in following we work with Delta set model of $EG$ and $BG$
from Hatcher book. Hatcher's bar model of $BG$ is a Delta set with
$n$-simplices $[g_1 | g_2 |... |g_n]$ with boundaries $[g_1 | ... | g_i g_{i+1} | ... |g_n]$.
Is it possible to describe explicitly the classifying map associated to a principal $G$-bundle $p:P \to X$ map $f_p:X \to BG$ combinatorically?
Here an approach looking promissing but contains hurdles I not know how to overcome:
Let $p: P \to X$ be a principal $G$-bundle with base Delta set $X$. Let $X_0$ be the set of vertices, and $X_1$ the set of $1$-simplices - the "edges" - of Delta set $X$. If we could find a covering family $(U_v)_{v \in X_0}$ of open connected $U_v \subset X$ over which $p$ trivialize $P_{\vert{U_v}} \cong U_v \times G$ parametrized by vertices $X_0$ satisfying:
-vertex $v \in X_0$ lies in exactly one open set $U_v$
-every edge $e_{vw}$ with vertices $v$ and $w$ (note: there might be several edges with identical vertices) lies in
$U_v \cup U_w$ for unique pair of vertices $v,w \in X_0$
and the intersection $e_{vw} \cap U_v
\cap U_w$ is isomorphic to an open interval
If such covering family $(U_v)_{v \in X_0}$ exists, then we can try to construct the classifying map as follows:
This covering family $(U_v)_{v \in X_0}$ would give us a cocycle $(g_{vw}: U_v \cap U_w \to G)_{v,w \in X_0}$ and we could try to construct from this cocycle combinatorically the classifying map $f_p: X \to BG$ which maps each vertex to the unique vertex of $BG$, and every edge/ $1$-simplex of $e_{vw} $ to the $1$-simplex of $BG$ determined by $g_{vw} \in G$ from the cocycle. Note that the $1$-simplices of $BG$ it Hatcher's bar construction correspond to elements of $G$.
Problems: Does such covering $(U_v)_{v \in X_0}$ with these
properties always exist for a Delta set $X$?
If yes, can this map I described on level of vertices and
$1$-simplices always be extended to the total Delta complex?
If $X$ would be a simplicial complex then the answer should be yes because every $n$-simplex of a simplicial complex is determinded by it's vertices, but for Delta sets the glueing of boundaries could become more complicated. For example several vertices of same $n$-simplex could be identified, for example a $1$-simplex could become a circle when it's two vertices are identified. Note that such glueings is allowed for Delta sets, but not for for simplicial complexes.
On the other hand we can applying barycentric divisions to make a Delta set $X$ to a simplicial complex. But this raises another problem: Even if $X$ would be a simplicial complex, the $BG$ is a Delta set (all $1$-simplices are circles) and if we would resolve it with barycentric subdivisions to a simplicial complex, it would not have this structure from Hatcher's bar construction anymore, so it's $1$-simplices wouldn't be identified with elements of $G$ anymore and we couldn't associate $1$-simplices of $X$ to those of $BG$ using cocycle representation of $p: P \to X$.
Could these issues be remedied and the classifying map $f_p: X \to BG$ associated to $G$-bundle $p: P \to X$ over base $X$ Delta set be described combinatorically in that or a similar way?