There seems to be no publicly available listing of properties of natural (or Hessenberg) addition and multiplication of ordinals. So I'm trying to make one. Please confirm correctness of the following properties or provide corrections, and provide any additional relevant properties.
Recall the definitions: Let $\alpha=\omega^{\alpha_1} + \cdots + \omega^{\alpha_k}$ and $\beta = \omega^{\beta_1}+\cdots+\omega^{\beta_\ell}$ be in CNF (so $\alpha_1\ge \cdots\ge\alpha_k$ and $\beta_1\ge\cdots\ge\beta_\ell$). Let $\gamma_1,\ldots, \gamma_{k+\ell}$ be $\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_k,\beta_1,\ldots,\beta_\ell$ sorted in nonincreasing order. Then the natural sum of $\alpha$ and $\beta$ is defined as $\alpha\oplus\beta = \omega^{\gamma_1}+\cdots+\omega^{\gamma_{k+\ell}}$. And the natural product of $\alpha$ and $\beta$ is defined as $\alpha\otimes\beta = \bigoplus_{1\le i\le k, 1\le j\le\ell} \omega^{\alpha_i\oplus\beta_j}$.
Natural sum and product are commutative and associative. Natural product distributes over natural sum. Meaning:
- $\alpha\oplus \beta=\beta\oplus\alpha$.
- $\alpha\oplus(\beta\oplus\gamma)=(\alpha\oplus\beta)\oplus\gamma$.
- $\alpha\otimes\beta=\beta\otimes\alpha$.
- $\alpha\otimes(\beta\otimes\gamma)=(\alpha\otimes\beta)\otimes\gamma$.
- $\alpha\otimes(\beta\oplus\gamma)=\alpha\otimes\beta\oplus\alpha\otimes\gamma$.
- If $\alpha<\beta$ then $\alpha\oplus\gamma<\beta\oplus\gamma$.
- If $\alpha\le\beta$ then $\alpha\otimes\gamma\le\beta\otimes\gamma$.
- If $\alpha<\beta$ and $\gamma>0$ then $\alpha\otimes\gamma<\beta\otimes\gamma$.
(For the next properties, recall that if $\alpha=\omega^{\alpha_1}+\cdots+\omega^{\alpha_k}$ is in CNF, then $\alpha\omega = \lim_n\alpha n = \omega^{\alpha_1+1}$, and $\alpha^\omega = \lim_n \alpha^n = \omega^{\alpha_1\omega}$.)
- $\alpha+\beta\le\alpha\oplus\beta$.
- $\alpha\beta\le\alpha\otimes\beta$.
- $\underbrace{\alpha\oplus\cdots\oplus\alpha}_n=\alpha\otimes n$.
- $\lim_n \alpha\oplus n = \alpha+\omega$. (Not $\alpha\oplus\omega$!)
- If $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are limit ordinals, then $\alpha\oplus\beta = \lim_{\alpha'<\alpha,\beta'<\beta} \alpha'\oplus\beta'$.
- $\lim_n \alpha\otimes n = \alpha\omega$. (Not $\alpha\otimes\omega$!)
- $\lim_n \underbrace{\alpha\otimes\cdots\otimes\alpha}_n = \alpha^\omega$.
Repeated natural product: Recall that every ordinal $\gamma$ can be uniquely decomposed into $\gamma=\omega\beta+n$ for some $\beta$ and some $n$. Then, if we write $\alpha^{[n]}$ to denote $\underbrace{\alpha\otimes\cdots\otimes\alpha}_n$, then it would make sense to write $\alpha^{[\omega\beta+n]}$ to denote $(\alpha^\omega)^\beta\otimes\underbrace{\alpha\otimes\cdots\otimes\alpha}_n$.
Upper bounds:
- If both $\alpha<\omega^\gamma$ and $\beta<\omega^\gamma$ then $\alpha\oplus\beta<\omega^\gamma$.
- If both $\alpha<\omega^{\omega^\gamma}$ and $\beta<\omega^{\omega^\gamma}$ then $\alpha\otimes\beta<\omega^{\omega^\gamma}$.