This is a continuation of this question. Let $O$ be a random orthogonal matrix (according to Haar measure) of size $n$. I want to study the eigenvalues of the matrix $O+O^\top + \lambda uu^\top$ where $\lambda>0$ and $u$ is an arbitrary unit vector in $\mathbb R^n$. I found that as $n$ goes to infinity, the spectrum consists of eigenvalues with limiting density given by the arcsin law rescaled to the interval $[-2,2]$ and an isolated eigenvalue on the right. Let $\lambda_{max}$ and $u_{max}$ be the maximum eigenvalue and the corresponding unit eigenvector. Then $$ \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \lambda_{max} = \sqrt{\lambda^2+4}, $$ $$ \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} (u_{max}^\top u)^2 = \frac{\lambda}{\sqrt{\lambda^2+4}}. $$ I obtained these results by the non-rigorous replica method and verified them by simulations.
So my question is whether a rigorous proof of these results can be found in the literature (I can't find it in the reference given in the answer of the mentioned mathoverflow question). If you have a simple proof I would be eager to know.