Let $R$ be a commutative ring. Let $\{A_i\}_{i \in I}$ be a diagram of $R$-linear $1$-categories, indexed by a finite poset $I$. (If this matters, assume that the $A_i$ have finitely many objects).
Given an $R$-linear $1$-category $A$, let $D(A)$ be the infinity category $Fun(A, ch(R))$, localized at the quasi-isomorphisms. The reason for this notation is that if we assume $A$ has finitely many objects, then we can view $A$ equivalently as a semi-simple $R$-algebra with idempotents indexed by the objects, and $D(-)$ is the ordinary unbounded derived category of the abelian category of modules over said algebra.
Question: do we have $D(colim A_i)= holim D(A_i)$? (Note that I am distinguishing here between the $1$-categorical colimit and the infinity-categorical homotopy limit.)