I've seen and used the following map from the algebraic $K$-theory to the differential forms on a scheme $X$: $$ K_n(X) \to H^0(X,\Omega^n_X)$$ sending $K_1(X)\ni f\mapsto d\log f$, and extending to a map of algebras under cup product/exterior product. It is easier to define this map on the subgroup of Milnor $K$-theory, where I see it most often defined, but Bloch defines the map on the full algebraic $K$-groups, e.g. using Chern classes in his paper On the tangent space of Quillen $K$-theory (where it's attributed to "secret papers of Gersten").
Whatever the definition, the functoriality under pullbacks is easy to see. However, I'm strongly convinced that it should also be true that it is functorial for finite pushforward, i.e. via the Bass-Tate transfer map on $K$-theory, and the usual trace for differential forms. Does anyone have a reference or proof of this?