Consider a random i.i.d matrix $\mathbf{A}_{m\times n}$ with entries generated from a complex Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance. I am interested in the large dimension analysis of the expression ($m,n\rightarrow\infty$ with fixed $m/n$): \begin{align} \label{eq:lll} \mathbf{a}^\mathrm{H}\left(\frac{1}{n}\mathbf{A}\mathbf{A}^\mathrm{H}+\mathbf{I}_m\right)^{-1}\mathbf{a}, \end{align} where $\mathbf{I}_m$ represents the identity matrix and $\mathbf{a}$ is one of the columns of $\mathbf{A}$. According to the law of large numbers, we know that $\frac{1}{n}\mathbf{A}\mathbf{A}^\mathrm{H}\rightarrow\mathbf{I}_m$. I expect the following result to hold: \begin{align} \left(\frac{1}{n}\mathbf{A}\mathbf{A}^\mathrm{H}+\mathbf{I}_m\right)^{-1}\rightarrow 0.5\mathbf{I}_m. \end{align} However, my Matlab simulation does not verify this. I have the following questions:
1- Can we analytically compute the convergence value of $\mathbf{a}^\mathrm{H}\left(\frac{1}{n}\mathbf{A}\mathbf{A}^\mathrm{H}+\mathbf{I}_m\right)^{-1}\mathbf{a}$?
2- Are there any sources that provide clear explanations about the convergence of functions of i.i.d matrices?