I am studying the article Immersion Theory for Homotopy theorists by Michael Weiss for my bachelor thesis. The main theorem states that the space of immersions and formal immersions between two smooth manifolds $M$ and $N$ are weakly homotopy equivalent, with the weak equivalence given by the map $$ \text{imm}(M,N)\to \text{fimm}(M,N),\quad f\mapsto (f,\mathrm{d}f). $$
In the article he never mentions continuity of this map, and maybe it's really trivial, but I'm having some difficulty proving this. For the first component this is almost by definition of the $C^\infty$ topology, but for the second component I can't work it out.
Could anyone help me out? I also posted this to math.stackexchange as I don't really have a clue what level this type of material is. Feel free to delete the question If it doesn't belong here.