I'm working in the category of rational $CDGAs$ and trying to find a reference/construction of a natural $2$-categorical structure via truncation of the mapping spaces.
In my head, the key point is that $CDGA$s over $\mathbb{Q}$ form a simplicial model category, where the $n$-simplices are given by $$Map(A,B)_n = Hom_{CDGA}(A, B \otimes \mathcal{A}_{PL}(\Delta^n)).$$ My guess is that there should be an $n$-truncation, where we truncate each of the mapping spaces, that turns $CDGA$ into an $(n-1)$-category.
The kind of truncation I'm imagining is that from Lurie's Higher Topos Theory Proposition where $n$-truncation roughly corresponds to replacing $Map(A,B)$ with $h_n Map(A,B)$, defined by:
- the $m$-simplices are $h_n Map(A,B)(m) = [\Delta^m, Map(A,B)]_n / \sim$ where
- $[\Delta^m, Map(A,B)]_n$ is the image of the restriction map $$i^* : Fun(Sk^{n+1} \Delta^m, Map(A,B)) \to Fun(Sk^{n} \Delta^m, Map(A,B))$$ induced by the inclusion of skeleta, and
- for maps $f,g \in [\Delta^m, Map(A,B)]_n$, we say $f \sim g$ if $f$ and $g$ are homotopic relative to $sk^{n-1} \Delta^m$.
with the proposition stating that $h_n(Map(A,B))$ is indeed an $n$-category.
The points I'm confused about are:
- I'm fairly sure this only works for Kan complexes - whereas not all mapping spaces in a simplicial model category are Kan complexes. My feeling is that this is resolved somehow using the extra condition on simplicial model categories about the pullback powering being a Kan Fibration (Definition 2.1 - Condition 3)
- How do we move from truncating individual mapping spaces $Map(A,B)$, to a $2$-categorical structure on $CDGA$? I would expect that applying $h_n(Map(A,B))$ on all mapping spaces can be done directly on $CDGA$ by applying some other $\tilde{h}_{n+1}$ on CDGA directly.
I've been able to find a lot of references about this kind of truncation for quasi-categories, but nothing about simplicial model categories specifically.
In the end, what I would hope for is that doing this kind of operation at level $1$ in the mapping space would result in $2$-category (say something called $\tilde{h}_2(CDGA)$), where the objects and morphisms are the same and the $2$-cells are homotopy classes of homotopies. I tried proving this directly, but had a lot of trouble working out how the vertical and horizontal composition can be interchanged appropriately.
I was hoping to find a reference that deals with truncation in simplicial model categories. In general, I am quite confused about the passage from simplicially enriched things to quasi-categories, especially when we have simplicial model categories - which are simplicially enriched with a number of extra conditions.