Let $N \geq 1$ be an integer and let $p$ be a prime not dividing $N$. For $r \geq 1$, let $M_2(\Gamma_0(Np^r))$ denote the space of weight $2$ modular forms of level $\Gamma_0(Np^r)$. Let $$U_p: M_2(\Gamma_0(Np^r)) \to M_2(\Gamma_0(Np^r))$$ denote the $p$-th Hecke operator, which acts on $q$-expansions by sending $\sum a_n q^n$ to $\sum a_{np} q^n$.
I did some numerical calculations on Sage, and it looks like $U_p$ takes values in $M_2(\Gamma_0(Np))$, not merely in level $Np^r$. That is, for all $r \geq 1$, it looks like $U_p$ is actually a map from $M_2(\Gamma_0(Np^r))$ to $M_2(\Gamma_0(Np))$.
Is this true? And if so, could anyone sketch a proof / point to a reference?