For a given map $\phi :X\longrightarrow Y$, the mapping cylinder of $\phi$ is defined by $M_{\phi}:=Y\cup_{\phi} (X \times \{ 1\})$. Denote $\pi_n (M_{\phi},X \times \{ 1\} )$ by $\pi_n (\phi)$. The map $\phi$ is called $n$-connected if $X$ and $Y$ are connected and $\pi_i (\phi)=0$ for $1\leq i\leq n$.
Let $K$ be a CW-complex, $X$ have the homotopy type of one, and suppose that $\phi :K\to X$ to be $(n-1)$-connected. If $n\geq 3$, $\phi$ induces an isomorhphism of fundamental groups, so we can regard $\pi_n (\phi)$ as a $\mathbb{Z}\pi_1 (X)$-module. Select $\mathbb{Z}\pi_1 (X)$-generators $\{ \alpha_i \}$ for $\pi_n (\phi)$. Then the $\partial \alpha_i$ belong to $\pi_{n-1} (K)$: use them to attach $n$-cells to $K$. Now use the $\alpha_i$ themeselves to extend $\phi$ over these cells (recall that an element of $\pi_n (\phi )$ is represented by a pair of maps $\alpha :S^{n-1}\longrightarrow X$ and $\beta :D^n \longrightarrow Y$ with $\beta\rvert_{S^{n-1}}=\phi \circ \alpha$). If the resulting space is $L$ and map $\psi :L\to X$, then since the map $\alpha$ in the exact sequence $$\pi_n (L,K)\overset{\alpha}{\to}\pi_n (\phi)\to \pi_n (\psi)\to \pi_{n-1}(L,K)=0$$ is onto (for, if $n\geq 3$, $\pi_n (L,K)\cong H_n (\tilde{L},\tilde{K})=C_n (\tilde{L})$, and the $\alpha_i$ were chosen as generators of $\pi_n (\phi)$), $\pi_n (\psi)$ vanishes, and so $\psi$ is $n$-connected.
The above argument belongs to C.T.C. Wall's paper ``Finite conditions for CW-complexes" page 59. There are two things that I don't understand in the argument.
Why if $\phi$ induces an isomorhphism of fundamental groups, we can regard $\pi_n (\phi)$ as a $\mathbb{Z}\pi_1 (X)$-module?
I really appreciate if someone could explain me why such an exact sequence exists, $\pi_{n-1}(L,K)=0$, $\pi_n (L,K)\cong H_n (\tilde{L},\tilde{K})=C_n (\tilde{L})$, and $\alpha$ is onto in more detail. Clearly, $\pi_{n-1}(L,K)=0$ and $\alpha$ is onto, then by the exact sequence we have $\pi_n (\psi)=0$.