Let $\mathsf{T}$ be the theory comprising Extensionality, Foundation (stating every set has an $\in$-minimal element), Pairing, Infinity, Union, $\Delta_0$-Separation, and the closure under rudimentary functions. (That is, for every rudimentary function $f$ and a set $a$, $f(a)$ exists.) Borrowing terms by Mathias, $\mathsf{T}$ is equal to Gandy-Jensen set theory $\mathsf{GJ_0}$ with Infinity and Foundation. (Mathias defined $\mathsf{GJ_0}$ in his paper Weak Systems of Gandy, Jensen and Devlin.)
It is known that if $J_\alpha$ is a Jensen hierarchy (Starting from $J_\omega=V_\omega$ and $J_{\alpha+1}=\operatorname{rud}(J_\alpha)$) then $J_\alpha\models \mathsf{GJ_0}$ for all $\alpha\ge\omega$. Thus $J_\alpha$ also satisfies $\mathsf{T}$. It means $\mathsf{T}$ does not prove transfinite recursion for $\Sigma_1$-formulas, or $\mathsf{T}$ can define ordinal operators, contradicting with that $J_{\omega+1}$ does not contain ordinals larger than $\omega+\omega$.
However, the situation might be different if we add Mostowski's collapsing lemma, also known as Axiom Beta:
($\mathsf{Beta}$) Suppose that $r$ is a relation such that every nonempty subset of $\operatorname{field} r =\operatorname{dom} r\cup\operatorname{ran}r$ has an $r$-minimal element. Then we have a function $f$ such that $\operatorname{dom}f=\operatorname{field} r$ and for all $x\in \operatorname{field} r$, $$f(x) = \{f(y) \mid (y,x)\in r\}.$$
$\mathsf{Beta}$ is not provable from $\mathsf{KP}$, so also not provable over $\mathsf{T}$. My question is as follows: Let $\mathsf{TCo}$ be the claim that every set $a$ has a transitive closure $\operatorname{TC}(a)$. Then
- Does $\mathsf{T}$ + $\mathsf{TCo}$ + $\mathsf{Beta}$ prove transfinite recursion for $\Delta_0$-formulas? That is, if $G(x,y,f)$ is a $\Delta_0$-definable class function, then can we define a class function $F$ such that $$F(x,y)=G(x,y,\{F(x,z)\mid z\in\operatorname{TC}(y)\})?$$
- If the answer for the first question is yes, do we have the same if $G$ is rudimentary? What about if $G$ is a recursively-defined function from a rudimentary function?
(I added $\mathsf{TCo}$ for a technical reason: The typical proof for $\Sigma_1$-recursion over $\mathsf{KP}$ proves $\mathsf{TC}$-recursion first, which relies on the existence of the transitive closure. I am not sure whether $\mathsf{T}$ proves $\mathsf{TCo}$ or not, so I added it as a separate axiom. I am also not sure whether each $J_\alpha$ satisfies $\mathsf{TCo}$.)