I'm interested in something built upon the construction laid out in nlab article on Snaith's theorem
Let $(E, \mu, \iota)$ be a ring spectrum.
For $\beta \in \pi_n(E)$ an element of the $n$th stable homotopy group, then multiplication by $\beta$ is a homomorphism $$ \beta_\ast \;\colon\; E \to \Sigma^{-n} E \,. $$ The localization of $E$ at $\beta$ is the homotopy colimit over the iterated multiplication with $\beta$ $$ E[\beta^{-1}]= \underset{\to}{\lim} \left[ E \stackrel{\beta_\ast}{\to} \Sigma^{-n}E \stackrel{\Sigma^{-n} \beta_\ast}{\to} \Sigma^{-2n} E \to \cdots \right] $$ which has the universal property that $\mu_\beta$ becomes an equivalence on $E[\beta^{-1}]$.
Since $E[\beta^{-1}]$ is a spectrum, we can compute the homotopy groups. I want to know why
$$\pi_*(E[\beta^{-1}]) \cong \pi_*(E)[\beta^{-1}]$$ holds. I wrote down an "argument" (using the reduced telescope of the sequence) for why that is true, but after not having looked at it for some time I recognize it was circular.