
In the paper "Shifted Schur Functions" http://arxiv.org/abs/q-alg/9605042 by Andrei Okounkov and Grigori Olshanski it is said that one of the motivations for that paper was the asymptotic character theory for the unitary groups $U(n)$ and symmetric groups $S(n)$ when $n\to\infty$ (this was first done by Vershik and Kerov). It is also said the detailed exposition of the main theorem of Vershik and Kerov regarding the characters of $U(\infty)$ via machinery of shifted Schur functions will be presented in the subsequent papers (see the part 4 of the introduction). However, I cannot find the exact paper (and not sure if it actually exists).

Thus, the question is: did Okounkov and/or Olshanski publish somewhere a paper with the proof of the Vershik-Kerov theorem that uses shifted Schur functions ($s^*$-functions in the notation of Okounkov and Olshanski)?

Here is the paper of Vershik and Kerov that Okounkov and Olshanski were referring to:

Vershik, A. M.; Kerov, S. V., Characters and factor representations of the infinite unitary group, Sov. Math., Dokl. 26, 570-574 (1982); translation from Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 267, 272-276 (1982). ZBL0524.22017.


1 Answer 1


Yes, they probably mean https://arxiv.org/abs/q-alg/9709011

There, they consider the Jack generalization of the problem, but if you set $\theta=1$, then you get the theory of characters of the unitary group.

An exposition (and another proof) of the theory is also given later here


(I followed up on this by streamlining their computations: https://arxiv.org/abs/1208.3443)

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thank you very much for your answer. And a follow-up question just out of curiosity: are you aware of any similar results for Hall-Littlewood (or even Macdonald) polynomials? Since there is already Jack-generalization, one might expect others as well. (However, here I am not sure whether it would have some representation-theoretical meaning for some "big group".) $\endgroup$
    – richrow
    Commented Mar 28 at 13:29
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Yes, use google search on terms like “Macdonald Gibbs Gelfand Tsetlin” there would be q-deformation; then also results for Macdonald. By Gorin, Olshasnki and others, in combinations. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 29 at 17:18

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