I am trying to prove the following.
Let $f:\mathbb{R}^{n}\to \mathbb{R}^n$ be a diffeomorphism. If $X$ and $f(X)$ are both $n$ -dimensional Gaussian variables, then $f$ is affine. That is, there exists a $n\times n$ matrix $A$ and $b\in \mathbb{R}^n$ such that $f(x)=Ax+b$.
The problem I am trying to solve is the following optimal transport problem in the Monge setting:
Let $\mu_0$ be the probability distribution of $n$-dimensional Gaussian distribution with mean $0$ and the covariance matrix $\Sigma_0$. Define $\mu_1$ similarly with mean $0$ and the covariance matrix $\Sigma_1$.
Find the diffeomorphism $\eta$ on $\mathbb{R}^n$ that minimizes
$\displaystyle \begin{equation} J(\eta)=\int_{\mathbb{R}^n}d(x,\eta(x))^2d\mu_0\end{equation}\tag*{}$
under the constraint $\eta_*\mu_0=\mu_1$, where $\eta _*\mu_0$ is the push-forward measure and $d(x,y)$ is the Euclidean distance.
I have already solved this problem in the case $\eta$ is linear, so I figured I should reduce this problem into a linear one.
The condition $\eta_*\mu_0=\mu_1$ is equivalent to $\mu_0(\eta^{-1}(A))=\mu_1(A)$ for any measurable $A$. In probabilistic notation, we have $P(\eta(X)\in A)=P(Y\in A)$ where $X\sim N(0,\Sigma_0),Y\sim N(0,\Sigma_1)$. This implies $\eta(X)$, and $Y$ have the same distribution. Therefore, both $X$ and $\eta(X)$ are Gaussian (with zero mean).
If $n=1$, then we can easily prove that the diffeomorphism that makes $X$ and $f(X)$ both Gaussian are affine, as we can see here: Gaussian-to-gaussian transformations.
In higher dimensions, the paper Transformations preserving normality and Wishart-ness seems to suggest that we have that $f$ is affine for closely related, general case. (The paper asserts a bijective bimeasurable function that preserves normality for a fixed mean, and any covariance matrix is affine)
My Attempt We can apply some affine transformation $L$ so that $L\circ f(X)$ has the same distribution as $X$. Thus without loss of generality, we can assume $X$ and $f(X)$ have the same distribution. For simplicity, I will assume $\Sigma_0=\Sigma_1=I$(the identity matrix).
My first guess was that for $f(X)=(Y_1,\cdots, Y_n)$, each $Y_1,\cdots Y_n$ should not depend on more than one $X_i$. This is wrong since $f(X)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(X_1+X_2,X_1-X_2)$ has the distribution $N(0,I)$ and $f$ is diffeomorphism.
I had a few more failed attempts, but I will omit them to make this post not too long.