Let $X$ be a smooth projective scheme over a number field $k$, and $V_{p}$ (resp. $V_{\text{dR}}, V_{\text{B}}$) a sub-space of $H_{et,p}^{\ast}(X)$ (resp. $H^{\ast}_{\text{dR}}(X), H^{\ast}_{\text{B} } (X)$) such that $V_{p}$, $V_{\text{dR}}$ and $V_{\text{B}}$ are isomorphic up to tensor and comparison isomorphism. It is also assumed that they are endowed with Galois action (resp. filtration, Hodge structure) which correspond by comparison to isomorphisms.
I would like to consider rational equivalence over cycles, but if you have an answer to the following question for another relation feel free to consider that relation instead.
Question Do we know a condition (necessary? sufficient?) on $V_{p}$, $V_{\text{dR}}$ and $V_{\text{B}}$ such that they are the realization of a pure motive? When they are realisation of a motive $V$, what are its relations with $H^{\ast}(X)$? Does anyone have a reference where this kind of "submotives" is studied?