I'm trying to understand the details of the almost toric mutation process as explained in Section 8.4 in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.08643.pdf. More specifically, given an almost toric fibration $f: (M,\omega) \rightarrow B$ from a symplectic manifold $(M,\omega)$ to a base $B$, the process of mutation briefly involves cutting the base diagram $B$ into 2 along the eigen direction of the monodromy matrix, applying the monodromy to one of the halves and glueing the two new halves back.
It is unclear to me why this process gives an almost toric fibration on a manifold which is symplectomorphic to $(M,\omega)$ and I've not been able to find a full proof anywhere.
It is of course possible that I'm missing something simple, so any help would be appreciated.