Let $G = \mathrm{GL}_n(F)$ where $F$ = non-archimedean local field. The Langlands Classification tells one that all irreducible admissible reps of $\mathrm{GL}_n(F)$ can be realized as (the unique irreducible) quotient of a parabolicly induced representation.
In particular, if one takes a (multiplicative) character of the diagonal torus $$ \lambda = (\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_n) \,\colon \,\, T_n(F) \to \mathbb{C}, \, t = (t_i)^{n}_{i=1} \mapsto \lambda_1(t_1) \cdot \ldots \cdot \lambda_n(t_n), $$ one can inflate $\lambda$ to the standard Borel $B = B_n(F)$ of upper-triangular matrices, and consider the (smoothly normalized) induced representation $$ \mathrm{Ind}^{G}_B(\lambda) = \{f \colon G \stackrel{\text{loc.cst.}}{\to} \mathbb{C} \, | \forall (b,g) \in B \times G \colon f(bg) = (\delta^{1/2} \otimes \lambda)(b) \cdot f(g)\}, $$ where $\delta$ is the modulus character of $B$ and locally constant (which in this case should be the same as smooth) translates as: For every $f$ there exists an open set $U_f$, s.t. $f(gu) = f(g)$ for all $u \in U_f$ (and $g \in G$).
Now the theory tells us that in this case,
- $\mathrm{Ind}^{G}_B(\lambda)$ is irreducible $\Leftrightarrow \forall i,j \colon \frac{\lambda_i}{\lambda_j} \neq | \cdot |$, where $| \cdot |$ is the absolute value on $F^{\times}$.
- (Part of the Langlands Classification) There exists exactly one irreducible quotient denoted by $Q(\lambda)$.
Hence, if we take $\lambda := (| \cdot |^{-\frac{n-1}{2}}, | \cdot |^{-\frac{n-3}{2}}, \ldots, | \cdot |^{\frac{n-1}{2}})$, the 'highly reducible' representation $\mathrm{Ind}^{G}_B(\lambda)$ has exactly one quotient $\mathrm{St}_n := Q(\lambda)$, called the \textbf{Steinberg representation}.
How can one realize $\mathrm{St}_n$ as the subrepresentation of some (parabolically) induced representation? (It would be awesome if somebody could give me an example of what happens f.e. for $n=3$ and how to handle it).
Remark: This should be possible due to the Theorem 6.5. of Prasad-Raghuram's notes (http://www.math.tifr.res.in/~dprasad/ictp2.pdf).