$\DeclareMathOperator\Gr{Gr}$Let $\Gr(k,n)$ be the Grassmannian variety of $k$-planes in an $n$-dimensional vector space. The coordinate algebra $\mathbb{C}[\Gr(k,n)]$ is generated by Plücker coordinates subject to Plücker relations. The Plücker relations have $r$ summands with $r \ge 3$. In the case of $\Gr(3,6)$, it is verified in the book, Example 6.8.13, that when we multiply some monomial to a $4$-term Plücker relation, we can write it using monomials and $3$-term relations: \begin{align} & P_{124}(P_{134}P_{246}-P_{134}P_{256}-P_{136}P_{245}-P_{123}P_{456}) \\ & = P_{246}(P_{124}P_{135}-P_{123}P_{145}-P_{125}P_{134}) \\ & - P_{134}(P_{124}P_{256}-P_{125}P_{246}+P_{126}P_{245}) \\ & - P_{245}(P_{124}P_{136}-P_{123}P_{146}-P_{126}P_{134}) \\ & - P_{123}(P_{124}P_{456}-P_{145}P_{246}+P_{146}P_{245}). \end{align} Therefore this $4$-term polynomial is in the ideal generated by $3$-term polynomials given by $3$-term Plücker relations.
My question is: is this true in general? That is, can every $r$-term ($r \ge 4$) Plücker relation (we can multiply a monomial to the $r$-term Plücker relation) be written using monomials and $3$-term Plücker relations? Are there some references about this? Thank you very much.