(Context: rewriting a joint paper with a coauthor.)
We are defining the degree of a morphism $f:A^m\to A^{n}$ to be $\max_{1\leq i\leq n} \deg(f_i)$, for $f_1,f_2,\dotsc,f_{n}$ the polynomials defining $f$. Then we define the degree of $f:X\to Y$ (for affine varieties $X\subset A^m$, $Y\subset A^{n}$) to be the minimum of $\deg(\overline{f})$ over all $\overline{f}:\mathbb{A}^{m}\rightarrow\mathbb{A}^{n}$ with $\overline{f}|_{X}=f$. This is not the same as the standard definition of degree for finite morphisms.
(1) Is this evil/illiterate?
(2) Shall we call our "degree" something else (what exactly?)?