I'm reading Michael Shulman's articles on cohomology in HoTT here and here, as well as Floris van Doorn's thesis here.
Given $E: Z \to \mathsf{Spectrum}$ a family of spectra over a homotopy type $Z$, they define the parametrized (or twisted) cohomology of $Z$ with coefficients in $E$ by $$H^n(Z; E) :\equiv \pi_0\left( \prod_{x \in X} E_n(x) \right)$$ where $\prod_{x \in X} E_n(x)$ denotes the appropriate type of sections. In the special case that we have a family of abelian groups $A: X \to \mathsf{AbGroup}$ then the composite with the Eilenberg-Mac Lane construction $H: \mathsf{AbGroup} \to \mathsf{Spectra}$ gives us a parametrized family of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectra $HA: X \to \mathsf{Spectra}$. The corresponding twisted cohomology is cohomology with local coefficients.
Though they don't discuss it in their articles, I am wondering if we can get long exact sequences in parametrized cohomology starting from a cofibre sequence of types? I can see how you do it for unparametrized spectra, but the pi-types in parametrized cohomology make it a bit more confusing.
Specifically, suppose that I have a homotopy cofibre sequence $X \xrightarrow{f} Y \xrightarrow{q} C_f$ equipped with a parametrized spectrum $E: C_f \to \mathsf{Spectrum}$. Clearly I can pull back along $q$ and $q \circ f$ to get parametrized spectra $q^*E:=E \circ q: Y \to \mathsf{Spectrum}$ and $f^*q^*E:=E \circ q \circ f: X \to \mathsf{Spectrum}$. Does the above cofibre sequence give me a long exact sequence in parametrized cohomology?