Let $p : E \to B$ be a map of topological spaces, and $p^I : E^I \to B^I$ the induced map of path spaces. Let $Cocyl(p) = B^I \times_B E$ be the space of paths $\beta$ in $B$ equipped with a lift of $\beta(0)$ to $E$. According to the nlab, a Hurewicz connection is a continuous section $\lambda$ of the induced map $E^I \to Cocyl(p)$, i.e. a continuous choice of lifts for each path in $B$ once an endpoint is specified.
Let's say that a Hurewicz connection $\lambda$ is functorial if
For any order-preserving homeomorphism $\phi : I \to I$ of the interval, $\lambda$ commutes with reparameterization by $\phi$, in the sense that $\lambda(e,\beta)(\phi(t)) = \lambda(e,\beta\circ \phi)(t)$ for $t \in I$.
$\lambda$ commutes with gluing of paths: if $\beta_1,\beta_2$ are paths from $b_0$ to $b_1$ and $b_1$ to $b_2$ respectively, and if $\beta_1 \ast \beta_2$ is the glued path from $b_0$ to $b_2$, then for any order-preserving homeomorphism $\phi : I \to I \vee I$, we have $\lambda(e,(\beta_1 \ast \beta_2) \circ \phi)(t) = (\lambda(e,\beta_1) \ast \lambda(e',\beta_2))(\phi(t))$ for $t \in I$, where $e'= \lambda(e,\beta_1)(1)$.
(Maybe say something about inverses when reversing paths?)
Question 1: Is there a standard name for "functorial Hurewicz connections" (or something similar)?
Question 2: What can one say about classifying functorial Hurewicz connections in more "local" terms, more analogous to Ehresmann connections?
Question 3: If we impose appropriate smoothness conditions on a functorial Hurewicz connection on a fiber bundle, do we recover Ehresmann connections exactly, or do we get something more general?