Is it true that, in the category $\mathbf{Top}$ of topological spaces and continuous maps, the compactly generated weakly Hausdorff spaces are precisely the spaces arising as filtered colimits of compact Hausdorff spaces?
Note added in the light of @Tyrone's comment. The answer to this question is NO as can be seen by consider the directed colimit of maps $S^1\to S^1\to S^1\to\dots$ in which the $n$th map is defined $z\mapsto x^{n!}$. The colimit contains a point (namely the image of $1\in S^1$) whose preimage is dense and so the colimit fails the weaker separation axiom $T_1$.
In the light of this I should broaden the question: what I am really interested in is finding attractive ways of drawing attention to the weakly Hausdorff property and how it sits in relation to the world of compact Hausdorff spaces.