I am having some trouble with the following result presented here:
Obviously I'm missing something, but I think from that result it could be shown that if $X$ is an infinite topological space, then $d(X) \leq hL(X)$, where $d$ is the density and $hL$ is the hereditary Lindelöf degree. To see this simply observe that, by the above result, there exists a right-separated subspace $Y$ of $X$ with $d(X)\leq |Y|$. Then, since $hL(X) = \sup \{ |Z| : Z \ \text{is right-separated} \}+\omega$ (this is 2.9(b) in Juhász's book of cardinal functions), it follows immediately that $d(X)\leq hL(X)$. Of course, this is incorrect, any hereditarily Lindelöf non-separable space does not satisfy the previous inequality.
Naturally, I don't think Hajnal and Juhász are wrong, I just don't understand where I'm wrong.