By K3 surfaces and Fano threefolds, I mean smooth ones.
If a K3 surface $S$ is an anticanonical section of a Fano threefold $V$ of Picard rank one (hence, $Pic(V)=\mathbb Z H_V$ for some ample divisor $H_V$), then $h:=H_V|_S$ is a primitive ample divisor of $S$. A divisor class $h$ is said to be primitive if $h=nD$ for divisor class $D$ with $n\in \mathbb Z$ implies $n=\pm 1$.
According to the classification of Fano threefolds, $4 \le h^2 \le 22$.
My question is some converse of it:
Let $S$ be a K3 surface with very ample primitive divisor $h$ ( $4 \le h^2 \le 22$). Then can $S$ be embedded into a Fano threefold $V$ of Picard rank one such that $h=H_V|_S$?
If $h^2=4, 6, 8$, the linear system $|h|$ embeds $S$ into projective spaces as a quartic surface, a complete intersection of quadric and cubic hypersurfaces and a complete intersection of three quadric hypersurfaces respectively. So the answer to the above question is yes in these cases.
But I am not sure about the cases of $h^2=10, 12, ..., 22$. Does anyone know the answer for any cases of those?
By the way, the answer is yes for generic K3 surfaces ([]) but I am wondering whether one can remove the condition `generic'.