
Note: B-variables were called streams in a previous version -> you won't understand the comments otherwise

Definition of $B$-variables

Theorem: Let $l_1\leq \dots\leq l_n$ be the lengths of a set of binary strings. If $\sum 2^{-l_i}\leq 1$, then we can hope no string is the prefix of an other in the set.

Proof: First, we notice that $1-\sum2^{-l_i}$ is a multiple of $2^{-l_n}$, such that adding $2^{l_{n}}-\sum2^{l_{n}-l_{i}}$ times $l_{n}$ to our set of lengths we get $\sum 2^{-l_i} = 1$. Then, if we prune an infinite binary tree at depths $l_1,\dots,l_n$, the set of paths from the root to the leafs described using left/right instructions will form a valid prefix-distinct set of binary strings.

Now, given a finite probability distribution $p$ and noting $l_i=\left\lceil -\log_{2}p_i\right\rceil$, you can check $\sum 2^{l_i}\leq 1$.

Given two finite random variables $X$ and $Y$, we can look at the family of distributions $(p_{X|Y=y})_{y\in \text{Im}(Y)}$ and construct the corresponding sets of binary strings using the $(l_i)$ defined above.

Then for each $(x, y)$ in $\text{Im}(X)\times \text{Im}(Y)$ we have an associated binary string (this is not injective). By drawing strings using $X$ and $Y$ in this way, we get a new random variable noted $B_{X|Y}$.

Similarly, we can look at $X$ and $B_{X|Y}$ and form the variable $B_{X|B_{X|Y}}$. To avoid nesting indices and to improve the notation we will omit the $B$ if we already are inside a $B$-variable such that $B_{X|(X|Y)} = B_{X|B_{X|Y}}$.

Given two finite random variables $X$ and $Y$, we can also consider the joint distribution $p_{X,Y}$. We can associate a string to each $(x, y)$ in $\text{Im}(X)\times \text{Im}(Y)$ using this distribution and the usual $(l_i)$ and note the new random variable $B_{XY}$.

Finally, we can interpret $n$ independent draws of a random variable $X$ as the single draw of a variable with values in $\text{Im}(X)^n$ and we will note such variable $X^n$.

We generalize this notion differently to a $B$-variable: its $n^{th}$ power is obtained by taking the $n^{th}$ powers of the non-$B$ variables composing it (recursively).

For example,

$$B_{X|(X|Y)}^ n = B_{X|B_{X|Y}}^n=B_{X^n|B_{X^n|Y^n}}$$

$B$-variables form a category

Using the right morphism definition, $B$-variables form a category $\textbf{Bvar}$.

A morphism of $B$-variables $X\to Y$ is given by two sequences of surjections $(e_n)$ and $(d_n)$ such that,

$$\lim_{n\to \infty} Pr(e_n(X^n)=d_n(Y^n)) = 1 \tag{*}$$

and, using Landau's notation,

$$H(d_n(Y^n))=H(Y^n)+o(n) \tag{**}$$

where $H$ denotes Shannon's entropy.

To compose morphisms, we use the right inverses $(d_n^{-1})$ such that:

$$(e^{\prime}_n,d^{\prime}_n)\circ (e_n, d_n) = (e^{\prime}_n \circ d_n^{-1}\circ e_n, d^{\prime}_n)$$

Here, $(^{**})$ guarantees $(d_n^{-1})$ are "good-enough left inverses" to preserve $(^*)$ for the composite.

We must quotient the sequences $(e_n)$ and $(d_n)$ by $\lim H(e_n(X^n))/n$ and $\lim H(d_n(Y^n))/n$ to get identities (otherwise we only get right-identities -> thanks @Gro-Tsen).

PS: The codomains of $(e_n)$ and $(d_n)$ must be the same because of $(^*)$ and must grow large enough with $n$ to satisfy $(^{**})$.

Properties of $\textbf{Bvar}$

Given two finite random variables $X$ and $Y$, we have: $${B_{X}}\to{B_{X|Y}}\to0$$

And we can define the product: $${B_{X}}\times {B_{Y}}={B_{XY}}={B_{X(Y|X)}}={B_{Y(X|Y)}}$$ The coproduct is given by: $${B_{X}}+ {B_{Y}}={B_{XY|(X|Y)(Y|X)}}={B_{XY|(Y|X)(X|Y)}}$$

The product corresponds to the joint entropy and the coproduct to the mutual information.

Shannon's channel coding theorem is equivalent to proving the existence of coproducts in $\textbf{Bvar}$.

An entropy is a forgetful functor from $\textbf{Bvar}$ to $(\mathbb{R}^+,\leq)$.

Disclaimer: I'm a software engineer without pure math education barely knowing some category theory. This seemed nice but I don't know what category theorist usually look for when finding a new category, hence my post here. What else can be said about $\bf{Bvar}$?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ What does "stream" mean? $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 6, 2022 at 17:15
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Formally, they are objects of the $\bf{Stream}$ category build from the morphisms defined above. Informally you can think of them as bit streams generated from a finite random variable $X$ using an adaptative entropy encoder such that the rate of the stream approaches the entropy of $X$. $\endgroup$
    – matovitch
    Commented Jul 6, 2022 at 17:55
  • 6
    $\begingroup$ Where do these variables take their values? (In a finite set, I get it, but is it all in the same set or in a different set per variable?) Where do $d_n$ and $e_n$ take their values? What do $X^n$ and $Y^n$ mean? (I suppose they're not $n$-th powers, but a sequence of something, but if you're taking a sequence of i.i.d. variables, I don't see what role $n$ plays.) And now that you've clarified you're defining a category by its morphisms, you should specify how these morphisms are composed. $\endgroup$
    – Gro-Tsen
    Commented Jul 11, 2022 at 10:08
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ The edit makes it better, but things are still confused. First, I don't see what role $X^n$ and $Y^n$ serve: maybe you think of things as an i.i.d. sequence, but you might as well write $Pr(e_n(X)=d_n(Y))$. More seriously, since the second term in your definition of composition is just $d'_n$, there can be no left-identity map, as is required in a category. Probably your morphisms aren't just pairs $(e_n,d_n)$ but equivalence classes of such pairs by some equivalence relation. $\endgroup$
    – Gro-Tsen
    Commented Jul 11, 2022 at 13:53
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Would it be a more accurate summary of your work to say that 'the existence of prefix-free binary codes of mean length arbitrarily close to the entropy bound' is equivalent to 'coproducts in $\mathbf{Bvar}$'? (One could imagine other proofs of Shannon's NCT ...) As for your question, have you considered initial/terminal objects? Are there any reasonable endofunctors on $\mathbf{Bvar}$? If so, do they have adjoints? What is the information theoretic significance of products? It all looks interesting to me, but I won't vote to reopen unless there is a more precise question. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 23, 2022 at 14:48