Let $S$ be a smooth projective variety over $\mathbb{C}$. A conic bundle over $S$ is a smooth projective variety $X$ together with a flat morphism $\pi:X \to S$ all of whose fibres are isomorphic to plane conics.
Let $Y$ be a smooth projective variety equipped with a morphism $\psi:Y \to S$ whose generic fibre is isomorphic to a smooth conic. Does $Y$ admit a conic bundle model?
More specifically, does there exist a conic bundle $\pi:X \to S$ and a birational map $\varphi: X \dashrightarrow Y$ such that $\pi = \psi \circ \varphi$?
Remark: I'm happy with a weakening where there is a regular model where each fibre is a curve, not necessary a conic (i.e. singular fibres may have many irreducible components). But I definitely want my model to be flat over $S$!