I'm trying to follow the proof of proposition 7.22.7 from
Etingof, Pavel; Gelaki, Shlomo; Nikshych, Dmitri; Ostrik, Victor, Tensor categories, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 205. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS) (ISBN 978-1-4704-2024-6/hbk). xvi, 343 p. (2015). ZBL1365.18001.
I think I understand everything but the assignment $J$ which takes an endomorphism in $C^{\boxtimes n+1}$ of $A(n)$ to an endomorphism of $\otimes^{n}$. Meaning that for any $V_{1},\dots, V_{n}$ we need to get an endomorphism of $V_{1}\otimes\dots\otimes V_{n}$.
Here $\boxtimes$ is the Deligne tensor product, and $A(n)$ is the object in $C^{\boxtimes n+1}$ representing the functor $Hom_{C}(\otimes^{n+1}(\_),1):C^{\boxtimes n+1}\to Vect$.
If I for instance follow the example 7.22.8 in the middle of the proof, I agree that $A(n)=\bigotimes_{V_{1},\dots, V_{n}\in \mathcal{O}(C)} (V_{1}\otimes\dots\otimes V_{n})\boxtimes V_{1}^{\ast}\boxtimes\dots \boxtimes V_{n}^{\ast}$ indexed over isomorphism classes of simple objects.
But already for $n=1$ and for $C$ a fusion category as in the example, if $f\in End_{C\boxtimes C}(\bigoplus_{V\in \mathcal{O}(C)} V\boxtimes V^{\ast})$, then f is meant to be assigned, for any object $V_{1}\in C$, to the endomorphism
$id_{C}\boxtimes Hom_{C}(1,\_\otimes V_{1})(\bigoplus_{V\in \mathcal{O}(C)} V\boxtimes V^{\ast})(f)$
The authors claim in particular that $id_{C}\boxtimes Hom_{C}(1,\_\otimes V_{1})(\bigoplus_{V\in \mathcal{O}(C)} V\boxtimes V^{\ast})\cong V_{1}$ and so this assignment indeed is an endomorphism of, in this case, $V_{1}$.
However I do not see this isomorphism and in fact as $Hom_{C}(1,V^{\ast}\otimes V_{1})\in Vect$, I'm struggling to see how this object in $C\boxtimes Vect$ is being identified with one in $C$. I might be doing something silly but my calculation yields only $\bigoplus V\boxtimes Hom(1,V^{\ast}\otimes V_{1})$ which I do not see how to reduce to $V_{1}$.
Any help or reference would be appreciated.