Let $Pic_n^0$ denote the even part of the $K(n)$-local Picard group, and let $Pic_n^*$ denote $Hom(Pic_n^0, W(\mathbb{F}_{p^n})^x)$. Denote by $L$ the profinite group ring $\mathbb{Z}_p[[Pic_n^*]] $. Let $\lambda$ be an element of $Pic_n$; this gives a map $Pic_n^* \to W(\mathbb{F}_{p^n})^x$, given by evaluation at $\lambda$. This induces a ring map $L \to W(\mathbb{F}_{p^n})$. We can consider the $Pic_n$-graded homotopy group of a ($K(n)$-local) spectrum $X$. What we want is a "universal" $L$-module $P(X)$ such that $P (x)_{L}W(\mathbb{F}_{p^n})$, where we regard $W(\mathbb{F}_{p^n})$ as a $L$-module via $\lambda$.
At height $1$, this problem is not too hard: we know that $Pic_1^0 = \mathbb{Z}_p^x$, so that $Pic_1^* = \mathbb{Z}_p^x$. If $\psi$ is any topological generator of $\mathbb{Z}_p$, then $L$ is isomorphic to $p-2$ copies of $\mathbb{Z}_p[[T]]$, where $T$ corresponds to $\psi-1$. Let $P$ denote $\mathbb{Z}_p$, with the trivial $Pic_1^*$-action. The other action on $\mathbb{Z}_p$ coming from an element $\lambda$ is given by $g*x = g(\lambda) x$; here, we are thinking of $End(\mathbb{Z}_p^x)$ as $\mathbb{Z}_p^x$. In this case, for a fixed lambda with $\lambda(k) = k^m, P (x)_L \mathbb{Z}_p = \mathbb{Z}_p[[T]] = \mathbb{Z}_p/(k^m-1)$. But $k^m-1$ is a unit unless $(p-1)|m$, and in that case, $k^{(p-1)*q}-1 = u*p*q$ where $u$ denotes the unit. It follows that $\pi_{(p-1)*q} L_K(1) S = \mathbb{Z}/(p*q)$, as standard computations tell us.
Can this connection with Iwasawa theory be studied via some geometry on the Lubin-Tate stack?