Yes, there are several known bounds. The following statement, due to Katz, has quite strict conditions on $f$, but gives a very strong result. It is perhaps the simplest statement that gives such a strong bound.
Suppose that the equation $f=0$ defines a nonsingular hypersurface in $\mathbb A^k$, and the degree $n$ part of $f$ defines a nonsingular hypersurface in $\mathbb P^{k-1}$. Suppose also that either $n$ is prime to $q$ or $\chi^n$ is trivial.
Then $$\left|\sum_{c_1, \dots, c_k \in \mathbb{F}_q} \chi(f(c_1, \dots, c_k)) \right| \leq (n-1)^k q^{k/2} $$
This is the main theorem of Estimates for nonsingular multiplicative character sums by Nick Katz.