For regular schemes $X$ and $Y$, and a faithfully flat morphism $f:Y \to X$, there is a flat pullback map of Grothendieck groups: $$ f^*:K^0(X) \to K^0(Y). $$
Is this map injective?
For regular schemes $X$ and $Y$, and a faithfully flat morphism $f:Y \to X$, there is a flat pullback map of Grothendieck groups: $$ f^*:K^0(X) \to K^0(Y). $$
Is this map injective?
It is not. For example, take a surjective morphism $f:\mathbb{A}^1\to\mathbb{P}^1$. $K^0(\mathbb{P}^1)=\mathbb{Z}\oplus\mathbb{Z}$, while $K^0(\mathbb{A}^1)=\mathbb{Z}$.