Given iid random variables $\xi_1,\dots,\xi_n,\dots$ with probability $P(\xi_1=-\log 3)=\frac{1}{2}=P(\xi_1=\log 5-\log 3)$. Let $S_n=\sum_{i=1}^n \xi_i$. This is a random walk on $R$. If let a stopping time $T:=\inf\{n: S_n\le -4\log 3\}$. I want to get $\mathbb{P}(\tau<\infty)$.
I try to follow the solution in
- The stopped process $M_n := e^{\xi_1+\ldots+\xi_{n \wedge \tau}}$ is also a martingale; hence, $$\mathbb{E}M_n = \mathbb{E}M_1=E(e^{\xi_1})=(1/3)*(1/2)+(5/3)*(1/2)=1.$$ Calculate $\mathbb{E}M_1$.
- By the strong law of large numbers, $$\frac{\xi_1+\ldots+\xi_n}{n} \to \mathbb{E}\xi_1 <0.$$ Thus, $$\xi_1+\ldots+\xi_n \to - \infty \quad \text{almost surely as} \, \, n \to \infty.$$
- Conclude that $$\begin{align*} M_n &= e^{\xi_1+\ldots+\xi_n} 1_{\{ \tau=\infty\}} + e^{\xi_1+\ldots+\xi_{n \wedge \tau}} 1_{\{\tau<\infty\}}\\ &\to 0 + e^{-4log 3} 1_{\{\tau<\infty\}}. \end{align*}$$
- Deduce from step 1 and 3 that $$ 1=3^{-4}P(\tau<\infty) $$ $$\mathbb{P}(\tau<\infty) = 3^4.$$ But this is impossible? Where am I wrong?