$\newcommand\ep\varepsilon$The case of interest when $b(t,x)=b(t)$ depends only on $t$ is comparatively simple.
Indeed, let
for real $t\ge0$.
By the law of the iterated logarithm,
as $t\to\infty$ almost surely and hence in probability.
So, for each real $\ep>0$ there is some real $t=t_\ep>0$ such that
\tfrac\ep2\,g(t)>(1+\ep)g(0) \tag{1}\label{1}
P(B)>0, \tag{2}\label{2}
B:=\{W_s<(1+\ep/2)g(s)\ \forall s\in[t,\infty)\}.
A:=\{W_s<(1+\ep)g(s)\ \forall s\in[0,t]\}.
Note that the function $g$ is concave. So, for all $s\in[0,t]$ we have $g(s)\ge g(0)+\frac st\,(g(t)-g(0))$ and hence for all real $u<(1+\ep/2)g(t)$
&(1+\ep)g(s)-\tfrac st\,u \\
&\ge(1+\ep)g(0)+\tfrac st\,[(1+\ep)(g(t)-g(0))-u] \\
&\ge(1+\ep)g(0)+\tfrac st\,[(1+\ep)(g(t)-g(0))-(1+\ep/2)g(t)] \\
&=(1+\ep)g(0)+\tfrac st\,[\tfrac\ep2\,g(t)-(1+\ep)g(0)] \\
in view of \eqref{1}.
Note also that the Brownian bridge $W^{(t)}_\cdot$ defined by the formula $W^{(t)}_s:=W_s-\tfrac st\,W_t$ for $s\in[0,t]$ is independent of $W_t$.
Recalling also the symmetry of $W_\cdot$ and its Markov property, as well as \eqref{3}, we get
&P(W_s>-(1+\ep)g(s)\ \forall s\in[0,\infty)) \\
&=P(W_s<(1+\ep)g(s)\ \forall s\in[0,\infty)) \\
&=P(A\cap B) \\
&=P(W_s<(1+\ep)g(s)\ \forall s\in[0,t],W_t<(1+\ep)g(t),B) \\
&=\int_{-\infty}^{(1+\ep)g(t)} P(W_t\in du,B)
P(W_s-\tfrac st\,W_t<(1+\ep)g(s)-\tfrac st\,u\ \forall s\in[0,t]) \\
&=\int_{-\infty}^{(1+\ep)g(t)} P(W_t\in du,B)
P(W^{(t)}_s<(1+\ep)g(s)-\tfrac st\,u\ \forall s\in[0,t]) \\
&\ge\int_{-\infty}^{(1+\ep)g(t)} P(W_t\in du,B)
P(W^{(t)}_s<g(0)\ \forall s\in[0,t]) \\
P(W^{(t)}_s<g(0)\ \forall s\in[0,t])>0,
by \eqref{2} and because $g(0)>0$.
Note that $X_s=1+B(s)+W_s$. So,
&P(X_s>1+B(s)-(1+\ep)g(s)\ \forall s\in[0,\infty)) \\
&=P(W_s>-(1+\ep)g(s)\ \forall s\in[0,\infty))>0,
by \eqref{4}.
Thus, the condition that
B(s)>(1+\ep)g(s)-1 \tag{5}\label{5}
for some real $\ep>0$ and all $s\in[0,\infty)$ is sufficient for
P(X_s>0\ \forall s\in[0,\infty))>0.
Note finally that for any $\ep\in(0,\frac1{g(0)}-1)=(0,3.61\ldots)$ there is a positive continuous function $b$ such that the function $B$ given by the formula $B(t)=\int_0^t b(s)\,ds$ for all real $t\ge0$ satisfies condition \eqref{5} (however, of course, $b$ does not have to be everywhere positive or continuous in order for $B$ to satisfy condition \eqref{5}).