This is a continuation of my previous question. Recall that a subset $A \subseteq {}^\omega\omega$ is analytic if it is the continuous image of the Baire space. I would like to know if there exist two models $N \subseteq M$ such that:
$M \models \mathsf{ZFC}$ (or just $M \models \mathsf{ZF} + \text{There exists a non-principal ultrafilter}$).
$N \models \mathsf{ZF} + \text{Every subset of reals is analytic}$.
$({}^\omega\omega)^M = ({}^\omega\omega)^N$.
From the comments of previous posts, it's worth noting that:
Under $\mathsf{ZF} + \mathsf{DC}$, one can construct the universal analytic set and prove that it is not analytic. Thus, $N \not\models \mathsf{DC}$.
A (somewhat trivial) example of a model in which every subset of reals is analytic is the Feferman-Levy model, where the reals is a countable union of countable sets.