Bob Coecke made the "yanking" axiom famous as he applied it to teleportation in Quantum Computing:
This is normally presented on the category of Hilbert spaces, and so here is a derivation of the yanking rule on Hilb:
I am interested to know if the yanking axiom is admitted by the Kleisli Category of the Distribution monad, $\mathcal{KL}(D)$. A good description of this category can be found in Jacobs and Furber "Towards a categorical account of conditional probability.".
Much work has been done to find the axioms for $\mathcal{KL}(D)$ and categories like it, as you can see in Fritz, Tobias. "A synthetic approach to Markov kernels, conditional independence and theorems on sufficient statistics." as well as Jacobs, Bart, A. Palmigiano, and M. Sadrzadeh. "Multisets and distributions, in drawing and learning."
What I know so far is that $\mathcal{KL}(D)$ is symmetric monoidal and has cups like this $I \rightarrow X \otimes Y$, it might even have a dagger which would give it caps like this $X \otimes Y \rightarrow I$. If $\mathcal{KL}(D)$ had conditionals, then it would have a functorial dagger. Even if it did, though, you have to then prove that these interact in the right way to get yanking.