Can someone explain to me the proof on page 7/20 of the original paper about potential games (
It is about why two potentials of a game G can only differ by a constant.
Can someone explain to me the proof on page 7/20 of the original paper about potential games (
It is about why two potentials of a game G can only differ by a constant.
This is what it looks like to me: to get $H(y)$, we change strategy profile $z$ into $y$ one player at a time, summing the changes in utility. For any exact potential $P$ (which is actually equation 2.2 with weights $1$), each change in utility is equal to $P(a_{i-1}) - P(a_{i})$. This is a telescoping sum, so $H(y) = P(y) - P(z)$. This didn't depend on which exact potential $P$ we chose, so $P_1(y) - P_1(z) = P_2(y) - P_2(z)$ for all $y$. In other words $P_1(y) = P_2(y) + c$ where $c = P_1(z) - P_2(z)$.
thatP1(y) - P2(y) = c
? $\endgroup$