As part of my research on building an interactive theorem proving system, I have discovered a new logic that I call Abstraction logic. I have written up the details here:
I am an expert in interactive theorem proving, but I would not consider myself an expert in logic. When researching the foundations of my system I came across the work of Rasiowa, and went from there. But that work is a few decades old. So I don't know if Abstraction Logic is actually new, or maybe exists already under a different name, maybe in more general form. Any comments and pointers would be very welcome!
Here is the abstract of the report:
Abstraction Logic is introduced as a foundation for Practical Types and Practal. It combines the simplicity of first-order logic with direct support for variable binding constants called abstractions. It also allows free variables to depend on parameters, which means that first-order axiom schemata can be encoded as simple axioms. Conceptually abstraction logic is situated between first-order logic and second-order logic. It is sound and complete with respect to an intuitive and simple algebraic semantics.
Edit: To clarify my question, I think I am basically asking an expert in algebraic logic if my work is new. It seems to me that algebraic logic focuses on propositional logic. That is what Rasiowas book "An algebraic approach to non-classical logics" does. She also treats quantifiers, but separately. Abstraction logic unifies this, because quantifiers are just ordinary constants now. This is of course standard in type-theoretic approaches, but abstraction logic does not need any types. What I am saying is that first-order logic is not the proper extension of propositional calculus. Abstraction logic is. Furthermore, with abstraction logic, the need for type theory goes away: all it really provided was binders anyway, and abstraction logic provides that in a cheaper and simpler package.
Further Edit: In his 1995 paper, "Algebraic semantics for predicate logics and their completeness", Hiroakira Ono concludes that
So, one of the most important questions in the study of algebraic semantics for predicate logics would be how to give an appropriate interpretation of quantifiers, in other words, how to extend algebraic semantics.
I think Abstraction Logic provides such an interpretation. Has this issue been solved since 1995, or would Abstraction Logic be the first solution to this?