I want to prove that ‘If the girth of a $2k$-regular graph $G$ is larger than the diameter of a $k$-edge tree $T$, then $G$ is covered by edge-disjoint copies of $T$.’
I tried several ways to solve this problem:
- Use the fact ‘If $\delta(G)\ge k$, $G$ contains a $k$-edge tree as a subgraph.’
- Consider the tree-packing and tree-covering problem.
- Create a proper algorithm.
I searched papers about this problem, and I found that Haggkvist proved it.
Here is the reference: page 130 of Decompositions of complete bipartite graphs.
But unfortunately, he said the manuscript containing his proof is not formally published.
So the only thing I know is this statement is true, and Haggkvist used it as a theorem.
But I cannot still find nice proof or strategy about it.
Would you help me?