Interesting connections and analogies have been observed between non-linear geometry of Banach spaces and coarse geometry. In the former subject, people have investigated the notion of uniform (or Lipschitz) quotient maps. See, e.g., this paper. The corresponding notion for coarse geometry is coarse quotient maps. We say a map $q\colon X\to Y$ between metric spaces is a coarse quotient map if $\exists K>0$ $\forall R>0$ $\exists S>0$ such that for all $x\in X$ one has $q(B(x,R)) \subset B(q(x),S)$ and $B(q(x),R) \subset N_K(q(B(x,S)))$. Here $B$ denotes the ball and $N_K$ denotes the $K$-neighborhood.
When $G$ is a countable discrete group with a proper left invariant metric, every quasi-morphism $q\colon G\to {\mathbb R}$ is a coarse quotient map. In fact, I view a coarse quotient map from $G$ to ${\mathbb R}$ as a metric analogue of a quasi-morphism.
I wonder if coarse quotient maps are worth studying.
Here's a sample question: Does $\mathrm{SL}(3,\mathbb{Z})$ admit a coarse quotient map to ${\mathbb R}$?
Added: This notion has been studied in Sheng Zhang Israel Journal of Mathematics volume 207, pages 961-979 (2015) (ArXiv, DOI link, MR link).