This question comes from P13 and P17 of the book Andrei N.Borodin and Paavo Salminen.
Page P13 defines the speed measure $m(dx)$, the scale function $s$, and the killing measure $k(dx)$.
Case 9 on P17:
"We consider here the special case in which the basic characteristics are absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure and have smooth derivatives. In other words,
$m(dx)=m(x)dy,k(dx)=k(x)dx,s(x)=\int^x s'(y)dy$,
where $m,s'$ are continuous and positive, and $k$ is continuous and non-negative. Morever, if $s''$ is continous, then the second order infinitesimal generator $$\mathcal{G}f(x)=\frac{1}{2}a(x)^2f''(x)+b(x)f'(x)-c(x)f(x),$$
The functions $a, b, c$ are the infinitesimal parameters of $X$. "
My question is, based on the statement above, how to get the following results:
$m(x)=2a^{-2}(x)e^{B(x)}, s'(x)=e^{-B(x)},k(x)=2a^{-2}(x)c(x)e^{B(x)}, B(x)=\int^x 2a^{-2}(y) b(y)dy$?