Problem set up:
Let $\mathbf X := (X, \mathcal A, \mu)$ be a standard probability space.
We say that a measure preserving transformation $T$ on $\mathbf X$ is $\varepsilon$-almost weakly mixing if for every $\delta > \varepsilon$, and every pair of non-null measurable sets $A, B \in \mathcal A$, there exists an $N > 0$ such that for all $n > N$, we have $$\frac{1}{n} \sum_{k = 1}^{n} |\mu(T^{-k}A \cap B) - \mu(A)\mu(B)| < \delta \mu(A)\mu(B).$$
We say a measure preserving transformation $G$ on $X$ admits an ergodic component if there exists some non-null measurable subset $E$ of $X$ such that $G(E) \subset E$, and the “restricted system” ($\mathbf E, G_{|E})$, with $\mathbf E := (E, \mathcal A_{|E}, \mu_{|E})$ is ergodic. Here $\mathcal A_{|E}$ is the restricted sigma algebra, and $\mu_{|E}$ is defined by $\mu_{|E}(A) := \mu(A \cap E)/\mu(E)$.
Question: Does there exist some $\varepsilon > 0$ such that any $\varepsilon$-almost weakly mixing transformation $T$ on $\mathbf X$ admits an ergodic component?
Remark: This is a potential sharpening of an earlier result.