- Assume $M$ is a closed, smooth manifold of dimension $n$. Let $\tau^+$ be the fiberwise one point compactification of its tangent bundle. This is a fiberwise $n$-spherical fibration equipped with a preferred section (at infinity).
There is a based map
M_+ \to \Gamma(\tau^+)
where $\Gamma$ denotes the space of sections. Roughly, the map sends a point to the Pontryagin-Thom collapse of a small tubular neighborhood of that point (here we are implicitly using the exponential map to identify a tubular neighborhood of a point with its one point compactified tangent space).
- The above map induces a stable map, which on zeroth spaces is a scanning map
Q(M_+) \to \Gamma^{\text{st}}(\tau^+)
where $\Gamma^{\text{st}}$ is the corresponding space of stable sections (i.e., sections of the corresponding stable spherical fibration) and $Q = \Omega^\infty\Sigma^\infty$ is the stable homotopy functor.
Now the key fact is this: the scanning map is always a homotopy equivalence (I do not have a reference; maybe it's due to Graeme Segal). This is a version of "Poincare duality by scanning."
To get your duality map, we stably trivialize $\tau$ (using the fact that that $M$ is stably framed). Then the scanning map is adjoint to stable map
M_+ \wedge M_+ \to S^n
which will then be a duality map.
Alternatively, take the $n$-fold loops of the scanning map, to obtain a homotopy equivalence
\Omega^n Q(M_+) \to \Omega^n \text{maps}(M_+,Q(S^n)) = \text{maps}(M_+,Q(S^0))\, .
The right side has a preferred point given by the unit map $M_+ \to S^0$, so the left side gives a preferred stable homotopy class
\mu: S^n \to M_+ \, ,
which is a fundamental class for $M$ in stable homotopy, in the sense that the composition
S^n\overset{\mu}\to M_+ \overset{\text{diagonal}}\longrightarrow M_+\wedge M_+
is a duality map.
Remark: Having a duality map is almost the same thing as having a Euclidean "embedding" if by the latter we mean Poincare embedding in some sphere.
Here's why:
(a). A choice of duality map
S^d \to M_+ \wedge M^\nu
gives us a (stable) map
$\mu: S^d \to M^\nu$ (here $M^\nu$ is the Thom space of the stable normal bundle). The map $\mu$ is $S$-dual to the unit map $M_+\to S^0$.
(b). Let $A$ be the fiberwise one point compactification of the stable normal bundle with section $M\to A$. Then $M^\nu = A/M$. Represent $\mu$ as an unstable map $S^d \to M^\nu$ at the expense of stabilizing $\nu$ and $d$.
Then the data give a homotopy pushout diagram
A @>>> M^\nu \cup_\mu D^{d+1} \\
M @>>> S^{d+1}
and the square is a gluing diagram for a Poincare embedding of $M$ in $S^{d+1}$ with complement $M^\nu \cup_\mu D^{d+1}$.
(This trick is implicitly in a paper by Browder from the 1966 Proceedings of the ICM in Moscow.)