Let $p\geq1.$ Consider a $\mathcal{F}_k$-submartingale $(X_k)_k$ in $L^p.$ We can prove easily that $(X_k)_k$ converges in $L^p$ if and only if $(|X_k|^p)_k$ is uniformly integrable.
If $(X_k)_k$ was a martingale then for $p>1,L^p$-convergence is equivalent to $\sup_kE[|X_k|^p]<\infty,$ and if $X_k \geq 0,$ for all $k,$ then this is true if and only if there exists $X_{\infty} \in L^p$ such that for all $k, E[X_{\infty}|\mathcal{F}_k] \geq X_k$ a.s.
In the general case, are there conditions that are equivalent to $L^p$-convergence of any submartingale in $L^p,p>1$ ?
To be noted that $\sup_kE[|X_k|^p]<\infty$ doesn't give $L^p$-convergence: Submartingales bounded in $L^p$, $p>1$
Remark: The following is a necessary and sufficient condition for $L^1$-convergence:
$(X_k)_k$ converges in $L^1$ if and only if there exists $X \in L^1_{\mathbb{R}_+}$ such that for every $k,|X_k| \leq E[X|\mathcal{F}_k].$
We will prove $\implies$ (the converse is true since $(E[X|\mathcal{F}_k])_k$ is uniformly integrable).
If we have $L^1$-convergence then there exists $X_{\infty} \in L^1$ such that for every $k,E[X_{\infty}|\mathcal{F}_k] \geq X_k.$
Considering the Doob decomposition: $X_k=Y_k+W_k$ where $Y_k$ is a martingale and $W_k$ is positive and increasing. It follows from $L^1$-convergence that $\sup_{k}E[W_k]<\infty$ so $Y_k$ converges in $L^1$ so there exists $Y_{\infty} \in L^1$ such that $Y_k=E[Y_{\infty}|\mathcal{F}_k]$ and hence for every $k,X_k \geq E[Y_{\infty}|\mathcal{F}_k].$
So for every $k,|X_k| \leq E[X|\mathcal{F}_k],$ where $X=|X_\infty|+|Y_\infty|.$